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ASC Vision
ASC strives to provide players with the opportunity to participate in competitive soccer at a level consistent with their skills and abilities.  ASC offers an environment where professional coaches and trainers help our players to grow their individual soccer skills while learning values such as teamwork, effort, and discipline.  While based in the Abingtons, ASC attracts players from all over Northeast Pennsylvania.
ASC Goals
  1. Provide opportunities for as many players as possible to participate on teams appropriate to their skills and abilities. 
  2. Provide high quality, professional coaching and training to all players.
  3. Challenge players and teams to be competitive, and to win, in league and tournament competitions commensurate with their abilities.
  4. Promote a positive, encouraging culture that emphasizes fun and sportsmanship.
Commitment and Communication
Travel soccer is a year round sport. Players are encouraged to participate in the fall, winter and spring sessions.  Training is typically 2 times per week in the fall and spring and 1-2 times per week in the winter.  ASC encourages players to participate in other athletic, academic, and extracurricular activities. To the extent possible, players are expected to coordinate their activities in order to attend all scheduled soccer training, games, and tournaments.  When conflicts are unavoidable, players must provide ASC with advanced notice of absences, a minimum of 1 week notice prior to games, 1-month notice prior to tournaments. Numerous training absences may adversely affect playing time during games. Game-day notifications may adversely affect playing time during games.  Players and families should understand that this program is to be part of a team structure; therefore, commitment and attendance should reflect what it means to be a team member.
Coaches and Trainers
Coaching is provided by ASC coaches and trainers who have studied and understand the coaching curriculum: Staff Coaches and Trainers; Former Players; College Players; and Trained Parents. Training is directed by the Director of Coaching (DOC) and the VP of Travel.
Leagues and Tournaments
ASC teams participate in leagues, tournaments and other competitions according to their abilities and competitiveness.  Placement decisions are made on a team-by-team basis
  1. Leagues: Fall and Spring - Lehigh Valley Youth Soccer League (LVYSL); EDP; or other league deemed appropriate for a given team.
  2. Tournaments - each team typically participates in a minimum of 1 tournament each in the fall and spring.
  3. Other competitions - Challenge Cup and/or State Cup in the Spring, for appropriately competitive teams.
All players pay an annual, non-refundable $100 registration fee, and season fees for Fall, Winter and Spring.  The approximate total annual cost per age group is as follows, not including tournaments and uniforms:
  • U9-U10 -   $900-$1200
  • U11-U12 - $1100-1400
  • U13-U15 - $1200-$1500
  • U16-U19 - $700-$1000 (Winter/Spring only)
ASC Policies
  1. Player Movement.  In order to respond to differing development rates as the year progresses, ASC players could have the opportunity to move between training groups and/or teams to optimize each player’s growth. Player movement to a higher level program will cost the difference between the programs at the time of movement.
  2. Missed Practices. Players can have the opportunity to make up a missed practice at another team's practice throughout the season. Such situations should be communicated to the coach ASAP. That coach will give the player a recommended practice they are able to attend. 

  3. Extra Training. Players that are looking for additional training should communicate with their coach to determine whether additional opportunities may be available.  The Coach and trainer will make the decision on which team training is appropriate for the player on an individual basis, in consultation with and with the approval of the VP of Travel and the coach of the team the player may be invited to practice with. Players who are given the opportunity to attend another team's practice regularly will be charged a prorated rate for these training sessions. 

  4. Equipment. Shin guards covered by socks are required for all training and practices.  Cleats are required for outdoor training and games, and indoor soccer shoes or tennis shoes for indoor training  (unless on turf where cleats are permitted). Players need to bring a properly inflated and size soccer ball to training.

  5. Playing Time: Travel soccer is competitive, which means that playing time is not equal, but rather is earned.  All rostered players will play in each game, but how long a player stays on the field is at the discretion at the coach and is dependent upon effort and impact.

  6. Guest Players: Non-rostered (guest) players may be invited to train and practice with teams throughout the year, at the discretion of the coach, DOC and VP of Travel.  Guest players may also be invited to join teams for tournaments. Guest players are charged a prorated rate for training and for participation in tournaments.

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